Mystery solved - concrete pads for country club billboards

The purpose of three concrete pads that have appeared alongside State Highway 6 at Ladies Mile can been revealed - they belong to the Queenstown Country Club and billboards will soon be erected atop them.

New units offering additional care are set to open at the retirement village alongside its existing villas, and the planned signs beside the highway will advertise these developments.

Robbie Walker, communications manager for the Arvida Group, says the signs are a "temporary thing".

He says residents will start to move into the new additions in the coming weeks, but there are still spaces up for grabs.

"So it's just a bit more promotion there."

He expects the billboards to be taken away once they have fulfilled their need.

Spokespeople for both the New Zealand Transport Agency, responsible for the highway, and the Queenstown Lakes District Council, have confirmed the concrete pads are, from their understanding, located on private property.

Both say their respective organisations have had no involvement in any discussion or decision related to the work.

Arvida develops, owns and operates retirement villages across the country and bought the Queenstown Country Club Village in 2019.

Its new 'care suites' at the village are studio and one-bedroom units that allow hospital-level care when needed.

Medical fittings are built in, but hidden.

The units start at $295,000 and are purchased with an occupation right agreement.

Meanwhile larger one, two and three bedroom apartments are also set for completion this year.

They range in price from $795,000 for a one-bedroom option to close to $3 million for a three bedroom penthouse.

Like the care suites, these apartments will have occupation right agreements attached to them.

Read more: Aged care hospital and apartments near completion in Queenstown

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