Mitchell leads mayoral race - but many yet to vote

The Crux poll that is tracking QLDC mayoral voting and voting intentions currently gives Jon Mitchell a clear lead - but with only 15% of the electorate having voted so far.

Based on total votes in 2016 (54%) and 2019 (47%) we can expect up to 45% of the electorate to vote - meaning that there are approximately another two thirds of votes yet to be cast.

Here are the current positions based on the Crux survey, based on the percentage of 229 respondents making a single choice as to who they have voted for - or who they intend to vote for in the mayoral race.


  • Jon Mitchell   42.11%
  • Glyn Lewers  18.42%
  • Olivia Wensley 18.42%
  • Neeta Shetty 10.53%
  • Al Angus   0.88%
  • Daniel Shand 0.88%
  • Not yet Decided 6.58%
  • Not voting   2.63%


Please keep taking part in our survey so that we can update these numbers over the days leading up to voting closing on October 8 - next Saturday. If you have not received voting papers you can make a special vote at local QLDC council offices.

Here's the survey link.


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