Mayor - "We want to wake up to the dawn chorus."

Editor's Note. Sometimes Crux will publish unedited media releases from the Queenstown Lakes District Council, but we will always identify them accordingly. Here's a media release that details further progress on the Mayor's 2050 future vision project. The reference to the importance of hearing the dawn chorus (last paragraph) draws inevitable connections with the current debate around future noise from substantially increased airport operations, but of course those issues have been covered elsewhere on Crux.

Media Release from QLDC.

This week saw Queenstown Lakes District Mayor Jim Boult, bring together diverse representation from across the district, taking the next step in developing a shared vision for 2050 and beyond.

“We started this process at the beginning of August to influence our district’s future for the second half of this century. At that first meeting we identified a number of key themes which we sought to explore further, about what life could be like. It won’t surprise people to learn these touched on our local environment, arts and creative culture, the economy and a diversification into industries that provide wider opportunities, education and management of growth,” said Mayor Boult.

Approximately 50 people attended the workshop on 11 September, representing many facets of the district’s community. This included perspectives from the disabled community, voices from both youth and the elderly, Iwi, farming, community support and development services, ethnic minorities, and representation from Central Government.

Held in a world café style workshop, participants discussed all aspects on the table for the day, with thought-provoking interjections from speakers that were introduced by Mayor Boult.

Jim Boult April 19 MR Office4

Mayor Jim Boult - "This process will enable us to take control of our destiny rather than allowing external forces to control us"

“I was keen to challenge the attendees to be brave in their thinking as part of this process, to think big, and keep the people of the district in their hearts and minds. Invited speakers shared their insights into Māori values such as manaakitanga, kaitiakitanga and aroha, how the history of our district can help inform the future, spatial planning, and the Shaping Our Future process.”

As anticipated, the workshop continued to explore the key themes and help shape them into something more tangible that can be shared with the wider community.

Mayor Boult confirmed that the next step is for Council staff to unpack all of the ideas, thoughts and concepts that were traversed on the day and to consider how the community can now become involved. This community engagement is expected to take place towards the end of the year, with the intent that this work is packaged up in highly accessible, inspirational and visual forms to breathe some life into the process.

“Everyone at this week’s workshop was highly engaged and extremely enthusiastic about this process, and I would like to personally thank them all for giving of their time so freely. I am very excited about the pathway we are on and have been inspired by the contributions of the teams involved so far,” said Mayor Boult.

“During the day I was moved to hear one person’s desire for the future as the opportunity for everyone to wake up to the dawn chorus. At this early stage it feels like we can hear them very faintly in the distance and we know they are there. For that vision to become reality, my hope is that this process will enable us to take control of our destiny rather than allowing external forces to control us.”


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