Mayor: Dunedin Hospital protest 'just getting started'
Dunedin Mayor Jules Radich says Saturday’s protest march has likely just doubled in size after the government today revealed proposals that would downgrade the New Dunedin Hospital project.
“The proposals announced by Dr Reti and Minister Bishop today are completely unacceptable for Dunedin and the people of the South.
“They amount to clinical cuts and a downgrade of what is a critical regional hospital for the lower South Island, and as such they also represent a broken promise by this government.
“As such, they do a complete disservice to the people of our region, and I believe we’re right to be outraged.”
The government says the existing project cannot be built for its current budget of $1.88 billion and will consider proposals to either reduce the build on the proposed new site or build a re-scoped facility on the existing site.
Mayor Radich says he was briefed on the proposals yesterday and met with councillors immediately after to discuss next steps.
As a result, Saturday’s protest march will go ahead.
“It’s needed now more than ever and I expect today’s announcement simply means the likely crowd has just doubled in size.
“I call on everyone who can make it to join the march and help send a clear and unequivocal message to the government – deliver the hospital you promised, without cuts to clinical services and facilities.
“As scary as the new cost estimates are, so too is the cost of not building this hospital properly – and the people of the South will pay the price for that.”
The protest march, to be held beginning at midday on September 28, will begin at the Dunedin Dental School and move along George Street to the Octagon for speeches.
Mayor Radich says further protest action will follow and details will be announced in the coming days.
“Make no mistake – this is not over. We’re just getting started.”
Read more: Government withdraws funding from Dunedin Hospital project