Illegal use of e-motorbikes in Queenstown dangerous and damaging

Illegal use of electric motorcycles in Queenstown is ripping up trails and a serious accident waiting to happen.

That is the view of Queenstown Trails Trust boss Mark Williams, who is urging members of the public to help police the problem.

He says an increasing number of "e-moto" riders are taking to trails in the district designed for bicycles, walkers and runners, and that is dangerous and damaging.

"They're a big, heavy bike, and it's the speed...It's not compatible with other trail users."

Mr Williams says there are blind corners on many trails, and electric motorbikes can reach speeds of up to 70 or 80 kilometres an hour and are quiet.

"The danger here is that one of these bikes comes around the corner going really quick and collides with someone, and the consequences are going to be pretty nasty."

Electric motorbikes utilise a throttle and can accelerate quickly, making them more likely to rip up track surfaces.

Mr Williams says the damage has been more pronounced in recent weeks with track surfaces sodden after back to back spring storms delivering rain and snow to the district.

He thinks electric motorbikes can be lots of fun, but owners, and parents of owners, need to clue themselves up on appropriate places to ride them locally.

He also thinks members of the public can help manage the problem.

"We need the community to start policing this, because they're going to be seeing it more and more and more and we need to stamp this out."

Anyone who see electric motorcycles on trails where they are prohibited should take photos and report them immediately to the Queenstown Lakes District Council on 03 441 00499, Mr Williams says.

Mr Williams confirms electric bicycles are allowed on the trails, and they can be distinguished from electric motorcycles by their pedals.

Main image (Facebook/Queenstown Trails): Electric motorbikes are bigger, heavier and faster than electric bicycles and illegal use of them on Queenstown's trail network is damaging and dangerous.

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