Grant Road potholes to get an overnight council fix

Residents waiting for a series of potholes in Grant Road, Frankton to get fixed can look forward to Friday, October 11 (tomorrow) - the fix should be underway.

A Crux reader complained to the council last month (twice) about the ever worsening holes in the road and told Crux that he was frustrated by the lack of action.

We've now got information from the Queenstown Lakes District Council on the situation, here's what they have told us in response to whether if it is a council road and what repair plans are:

"This is indeed a council-managed road. It’s being graded overnight (October 10) in line with schedule. Approximately four truck-and-trailer loads of metal will be placed at a later date due to other locations taking priority after recent poor weather.

"For context, grading maintenance is typically cyclical – approximately every month – but this varies depending on factors including weather, traffic volumes, road drainage, gravel quality and priorities within the overall roading network.

"All roads in the district have taken a pounding in recent weeks due to persistent heavy rainfall.

"Council and its contractors have been working to repair damage to roads as soon as possible given the resources available. The effects of heavy rain have been exacerbated along this stretch of Grant Road due to the heavy construction traffic operating in the area.

"We received two requests for service on this matter within four days of each other from the same person last month. Our roading contractors responded that the grader required was at that time attending issues in Glenorchy.

"This is the grader that will work on the road overnight."

Source: QLDC, Thursday, October 10.

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