Crux support scheme for new Local Election candidates
There's a real risk that this year's local elections might not count for much unless new, fresh candidates decide to stand.
Crux has decided to provide special support to anyone that does want to throw their hat into the ring. Why? Because these elected positions on local councils really matter - but the process can be scary for a first timer.
We don't care what your politics or polices are - as long as you care about our communities and genuinely want to make a difference.
What can Crux do to help?
- Free confidential advice - we see a lot and can give a good realistic picture of what it is like to be an elected councillor.
- Media training - free and practical advice. Be authentic and consistent - forget the gimmicks!
- Coverage - we'll cover your campaign and what you say.
- Video - we like shooting video and it's a great way to communicate.
- Independent - we don't have any advertisers or commercial alliances.
- Space - Crux readers like long articles and read them from start to finish - no need to simplify your message into sound bites or a few marketing phrases.
- Free - no charge for our support. We are part of the community and want to see an energetic, interesting and dynamic local body election with plenty of fresh blood.
In the first instance you can contact [email protected] in 100% confidence - we won't reveal any names until people have made the informed decision to stand in the elections.
Most importantly, if you know someone who would be great in local politics share this article with them. It takes real guts and commitment to stand for office - but a good network of friends, and Crux, can ease the pain! Of course, we'll be providing the same level of support for existing councillors who are standing for office again - but the first timers are the current priority.
Let's make it count!