Crux 2021 Reader Survey results
Thanks to everyone who took part in our reader survey – your feedback will help shape our work during what promises to be a very big year – 2022.
Here’s a summary of what you said:
What's your general level of satisfaction with Crux this year?
What did you like most about our content in 2021? Tick one or more boxes.
Your views on Crux advertising.
Your views on Crux Community Ownership.
How do you rank other news media? RNZ was excluded as Crux publishes RNZ stories as part of our content sharing agreement.
How important is social media in your access to Crux?
Our $100 Visa Prezzy card winners - Congratulations!
Robyn Mexted (Cromwell)
Oliver Harcus (Wanaka)
Nicole Fairweather (Queenstown)