Cromwell ward: Who will best represent you?
It's disappointing to say only three of the six people vying for the Cromwell vote for the Central Otago District Council took the time to respond to questions posed by Crux. So, let us introduce Sarah Browne, David George and Neil Gillespie - What's their motivation for standing, how do they reckon they work with people they disagree with, what super strength will they bring to the table, and what do they think the council can do better?
Sarah Browne
The one issue that really motivates me to stand for council is…
Connecting the community and the council. There is so much passion for our town out there but the connection is missing; I want to find a way to bring that passion out and also to increase people's knowledge of what council does.
You’ll be one voice around the council table. Tell us something about how you manage working with people you disagree with, how you with deal with conflict, or how you work to get people on side.
We were given two ears and one mouth for a reason. Actively listen to try and learn from another standpoint, be respectful when putting across a point of view...and know when to shut up or say sorry or I was wrong!
You’ve got a $5-million grant to use how you want within the Cromwell ward area. What would you do with it and why?
Go to the community for suggestions as a first port of call, and look at the Community Board wish list. I would think the best spread of investment would be land, but I would love to further develop the big fruit park as a truly eye catching and exciting entrance to our town.
What’s one thing the CODC could do a lot better, and how will you try and make it happen?
Communicate with its community. People are very time-poor but that should not be mistaken for disinterest. I am passionate about finding a way to better get the voice of Cromwell heard by the decision makers so they are reflecting the town's wishes in their decisions.
Engineer, RMA guru, nerd for numbers, sucker for details, years on council - What's a super strength you'll bring to the council table?
A decade in senior management at Cardrona Alpine Resort, a game-changer in the local tourism environment, has given me a wealth of knowledge of recreating and strengthening a brand (our town) responsibly and doing things the right way for the land as well as the people.
David George
The one issue that really motivates me to stand for council is…
Getting the community together.
You’ll be one voice around the council table. Tell us something about how you manage working with people you disagree with, how you with deal with conflict, or how you work to get people on side.
I like to go to a meeting prepared. having sorted out the issues beforehand. Meetings are there to dot the "i"s and cross the "t"s.
You’ve got a $5-million grant to use how you want within the Cromwell ward area. What would you do with it and why?
I would refurbish the scout hall, and use the mezzanine floor for the Bike Park. As a national venue. Install toilets there for both. Young people are our treasures on earth.
What’s one thing the CODC could do a lot better, and how will you try and make it happen?
Mesh with the community. Consultation is NOT a one-off activity. My local knowledge and contacts come in handy.
Engineer, RMA guru, nerd for numbers, sucker for details, years on council - What's a super strength you'll bring to the council table?
I'm cheeky. It takes a village to raise a child- that's me.
Neil Gillespie
The one issue that really motivates me to stand for council is…
It’s important to me that Cromwell’s future growth is consistent with the aspirations of the community and enables those that are already here, yet to arrive or return, to be part of a community that provides the right infrastructure and facilities to support individuals, families, business operators and visitors.
You’ll be one voice around the council table. Tell us something about how you manage working with people you disagree with, how you with deal with conflict, or how you work to get people on side.
It’s challenging to get agreement. You must listen and understand each other, find common ground and work through the differences. Respect and consider everyone’s views. Use informed and logical “arguments” to find consensus. Remember it’s a democracy. The team you’re part of makes decisions reflecting the majority. Don’t hold grudges and move forward.
You’ve got a $5-million grant to use how you want within the Cromwell ward area. What would you do with it and why?
Cromwell Memorial Hall replacement would be a logical use of such funds given that the community has endorsed this strongly through both the Cromwell Masterplan and the long-term plan. This could free up other funds to implement the balance of the Masterplan like the Town Centre Precinct.
What’s one thing the CODC could do a lot better, and how will you try and make it happen?
Meaningful engagement is key to an informed community knowing what’s happening and how it will affect them. We don't want to over-consult though and turn people off. Council must find the right balance between making decisions it’s empowered to make and consulting on issues that affect the community the most.
Engineer, RMA guru, nerd for numbers, sucker for details, years on council - What's a super strength you'll bring to the council table?
I am an experienced and capable Councillor that understands and can apply the governance processes that local government has to work within. I have the proven skills, common sense and vision to represent community interests for the Cromwell Ward into the future and seek your support to do that.
Acting on some of the big issues - it's not always easy to agree on the best approach, so we asked each candidate where they sit on a sliding scale from zero to 10.
No shows: Cheryl Laws, Shane Norton and Nigel McKinlay. Mr McKinlay did have explanation for opting out: "I felt I wasn't able to give complete enough responses to do justice to the questions".
Bob Scott is also nominated for the Cromwell Ward on the CODC, but he has chosen to remove himself from the race. Mr Scott has also been nominated for the Cromwell Community Board, and a seat at that table is unopposed, and he's happy to stick with that role.