Big hitter joins Housing Trust as Chair
The Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust (QLCHT) has managed to replace a strong outgoing Chair with an equally strong new Chair.
Well respected finance man Martin Hawes is stepping down and moving out of the district, being replaced by Andrew Blair, a very influential player in the health sector. Blair is also a key player in the soon to be announced new district hospital.
Andrew Blair is experienced in management structures, and the design and implementation of change management initiatives and growth strategies. Recent industry experience has been within the health sector and as Chief Executive of listed public company, Acurity Health Group (formerly Wakefield Health Limited). He is advisor to the Board of Forte Health Limited, Christchurch, and also chairs the Capital and Coast District Health Board and the Hutt Valley District Health Board.
“I am delighted to be joining the Trust,” Blair says.
“I look forward to overseeing significant growth as the Trust reaches for new levels. We continue to have a team of six dedicated Trustees, who are all committed to helping the Trust reach new goals.”
QLCHT CEO Julie Scott says she is very pleased with the way the change has worked out.
“Whilst we are disappointed to be losing Martin, we feel privileged to have had him at the table for two-and-a-half years, and wish him all the best. We now look forward to utilising Andrew’s strong commercial and governance experience as he steers the Trust on the next phase of its journey.”
The housing trust has been going from strength to strength recently, implementing new polices designed by the Mayor's housing task force. The new approach features the Trust maintaining ownership of land while the house on the land is bought and sold separately - in effect cutting the cost of the house in half.
However, the waiting list for Trust housing continues to climb, fueled by increases in the cost of living in the district and the skyrocketing cost of housing.
Main Image: New QLCHT Chair Andrew Blair