Another new sub-division for Ladies Mile, Queenstown

The following media release has been posted by Laurel Hills Ltd of Christchurch.

"Laurel Hills is the first development proposed within the Ladies Mile masterplan adopted by the Queenstown Lakes District Council in October 2018.  The development would see 156 dwellings built in a range of housing styles.

Laurel Hills is a master-planned residential development, positioned elevated by river terraces above the Shotover River with impressive views of major Queenstown landmarks, The Remarkables, Lake Wakatipu and Coronet Peak. With road access off Stalker Road, it is only minutes from the growing Frankton commercial/retail developments. 

Featuring a centrally-located community park and extensive pedestrian and cycle connections to the Twin Rivers trail, the lots range in size from 110sq m to 834sq m enabling a diverse range of housing solutions to help meet Queenstown’s growing residential population.

The overall architectural approach seeks to create an inclusive community by providing a broad range of house types to match age, ability and circumstance.  The interconnected network of streets lanes and paths provides safe and easy access to amenities while at the same time maximising solar access and views. The design of the dwellings supports social and physical connection by encouraging dwellings that face out onto high quality roads and public amenity.

Laurel Hills will also invest in the local community by gifting 10 percent of the developable land to the Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust. This meets the affordable housing requirements of the Queenstown Lakes District Council’s current ‘Lead Policy’.

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The Directors behind the proposed subdivision include established Queenstown builders, Wayne Foley of Trinity Developments and Fraser McKenzie of David Reid Homes.  The other Directors are Shekhar Balasubramanian of Malaysia and Tim Allan of Christchurch.

The Directors are impressed with how urban designer, Bruce Weir of The Property Group and Landscape designer David Compton-Moen, have designed  the subdivision in keeping with  the environment, achieving both privacy for individual dwellings and a definable community focus that will make this a wonderful place to call home.

The Laurel Hills Special Housing Area has also been designed to fit within its context, with generous landscaped setbacks ensuring it  connects well to adjoining land and the wider Ladies Mile Special Housing Area.  It is consistent with the Council’s Implementation Policy on Special Housing Areas and the statutory considerations under the housing accords and Special Housing Ares Act 2013.

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The Council’s July 2018 Housing Infrastructure Fund report details the commitment and funding from QLDC, NZTA and ORC allocated to provide upgrades to transport infrastructure in a staged manner to support the residential development for up to 1,100 additional homes within the Ladies Mile area.  In addition, Laurel Hills is working with NZTA to further enhance the public transport network servicing Shotover Country and Lake Hayes Estate.

The Queenstown Lakes District Councillors are seeking feedback on the Laurel Hills Expression of Interest submitted under the Special Housing Area legislation."

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