Air NZ Qtown flight aborts landing – returns to Auckland
** See update below.
Air New Zealand’s Flight NZ 635 is returning to Auckland this morning after multiple attempts to land at Queenstown airport.

NZ 635 departs Queenstown this morning after multiple failed landing attempts. FlightRadar24.
The Airbus A 321 aircraft, registration ZK-NNB, flew at relatively low level over Lake Hayes (see main image - ZK - NNB flying over Slope Hill near Lake Hayes this morning) and Jacks Point for around 20 minutes before gaining height and returning on track for Auckland up the West Coast.
Flight Radar 24 tracking data showed the aircraft approaching from the South up Lake Whakatipu from Walter Peak/Glenorchy and then leaving the Queenstown area after overflying the ZQN runway four times. The weather at the time was relatively clear and calm but with rain approaching from the west.
Other flights into and out of Queenstown airport appear to be operating normally.
Crux has approached the Queenstown Airport Corporation, Airways and Air New Zealand for further information.
Air New Zealand's website shows the flight, that was due to land in Queenstown at 11.20 am, as "diverted."
Flight 603 from Wellington also had a failed approach this morning.

Air NZ 603 from Wellington to Queenstown flies north after a failled landing attempt. The aircraft landed safely at 12.27 pm on a second attempt.
** Update: 12.30 pm. Queenstown airport advises the flight was diverted due to "weather. Flight 603 from Wellington landed at 12.27 pm after having to complete an additional circuit of the area.