24 hour poll: Queenstown or Wānaka for multi million dollar sports fields?
The Queenstown Lakes District Council is shortly to lock off their Long Term Plan that includes an additional $6.5 million for three sports fields at the "toxic house" site on Ladies Mile.
But technically it’s not too late for councillors to decide on another use for Queenstown’s controversial $20 million total investment in the site at 516 Ladies Mile.
The LTP includes QLDC’s “preferred” Option 1 plan to bring forward $8 million of sports and recreation spend, a move that will produce a further rates rise of over 2% across two years. Most of the money - a further $6.5 million on top of the $14 million land purchase - goes on 516 Ladies Mile (3 sports fields and a community centre – using the old Luggate hall) plus new heating systems for Queenstown and Wānaka swimming pools and around $400,000, mainly for existing Wānaka sports field lighting.
So – what do you think? Here’s some options that you can vote on in a 24 hour Crux poll from 4.00 pm Saturday September 7 until 4.00 pm Sunday September 8.
- Scrap the Ladies Mile sports field plan and use the land/money for worker accommodation.
- Yes – spend the money as per Option 1 in the LTP.
- Scrap the current sports field plan and propose the site be used for a new QLDC council building. Sell the Project Manawa site in the Queenstown CBD to fund construction and produce a surplus for Wānaka sports field or debt/rates reduction.
- Scrap the current Ladies Mile plan and spend $6.5 million on Wānaka sports and recreation projects.
- Other – Comment.
Main image: Only part of the "toxic house" remains at 516 Ladies Mile but the cost to the ratepayer so far is over $14 million.