$19 m Beach Street upgrade threatens Earnslaw Park market
Crux has received information that suggests the well established Earnslaw Park Saturday market is at risk due to the extensive rebuild of Beach Street. We also took the opportunity to ask QLDC about the apparently pointless poles that feature in Beach Street concept drawings, with no obvious purpose. Here's the response we received. QLDC did not tell us how much the poles cost.
“Your information about the market is not correct. We agree, the market is a long established institution and a source of much-needed income for many. As such we have been engaging with the market manager to ensure it can keep running while the Street Upgrade project is underway. The market will run as normal on Earnslaw Park for the next two weekends. Following that, they will be temporarily shifting to an alternative town centre location which is more accessible. The final location is yet to be confirmed, but once it is QLDC will help to promote the move on its social media channels.
“The Street Upgrades project is jointly funded by the Government’s Shovel Ready fund ($35m) and QLDC ($25m). The project will transform Brecon Street, Rees Street, Beach Street, Park Street and Hotops Rise into slower speed, high quality public spaces that are safe, vibrant and accessible, weaving in local cultural storytelling. The estimated cost for the Upper and Lower Beach Street portion is $19M. This includes the upgrades to 3 Waters underground services.

"The Upper Beach Street poles do have a purpose." QLDC
“The poles do have a purpose. They are used for Catenary Lighting which is a common and attractive feature of laneway / pedestrian environments. This type of lighting was supported by local businesses during early discussions and provides a number of benefits; creating atmosphere and a more inviting and safe pedestrian environment at night for outdoor diners, events and late night shopping.”