Upper Clutha solar project moves to full flow
After a few weeks of informing and educating the Upper Clutha community, the plan to replace local power line expansion with solar power adoption has moved into full implementation mode with the launch of a campaign video made by Crux for solarZero.
Crux is working with solarZero on our first ever commercial partnership. We thought long and hard before making this move, but after extensive talks with the solarZero team we were 100% convinced that their goals and values aligned not just with those of Crux but more importantly, of the Wanaka area that we cover.
Here's the video - plus details below on how to register for the two upcoming online forums plus details of the Panasonic prize draw open to everyone who takes part.
You’ll have probably seen some of our written content so far.
But words and images are no good without action. Without this non network solution with solarZero, the alternative of upgrading the lines network servicing this community, and associated costs, may be brought forward sooner.
So Wanaka local Monique Kelly, founder of WAO has agreed to chair a powerful online forum alongside experts from solarZero and Aurora Energy so that we can hammer out next steps. What’s the business case, what are the costs and what’s the timeline?
It’s also important that the two forums - scheduled for Sunday June 13 5.30 pm - 6.15 pm and then three weeks later in July, involve as many people as possible, representing a wide range of local views.
- Forum 1: What can we achieve with better local growth and energy strategies in Wanaka? Outcome: community agreement on a broad strategy.
- Forum 2: The practical, real steps that we can all take to turn the consensus from Forum 1 into an immediate reality. Outcome: practical steps to address the Wanaka energy challenge via solar power - with targets and timelines.
This is all really important stuff - we know you are all busy, so everyone who takes part in both forums will be eligible for four prizes supplied by solarZero and their partners Panasonic. One 4K cinema grade 65 inch TV (grand prize) and three Panasonic full wireless headphones. Full prize draw terms will be sent to everyone who registers.

We know that you care - but prizes are good as well!
Register Here.
Visit the Forum Information Page Here.