Money up for grabs to get young people moving
There's money available locally to help get young people moving and a local sports body is keen to hear from members of the community with ideas in the pipeline.
Sport Otago manages the Sport New Zealand Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa fund for the Otago region.
The fund exists to activate tamariki/children and rangatahi/teens through sport, active recreation and play.
It has a strong emphasis on understanding the needs of young people and delivering what they want to do to be active.
Sport New Zealand is specifically targeting Māori, Pasifika, and children with disabilities, but any projects aimed at getting young people off the couch and moving in a fun way will be considered.
The current round of Tu Manawa funding closes on February 28 and grants up to $60,000 will be considered.
Projects or programs that support hauora, enable participation, engagement and inclusion in physical activity are all welcome to apply here.
This year the funding rounds for Otago will be:
- February 2023 - Projects will be considered for up to $60,000.00. Closes February 28.
- April 2023 - Projects will be considered for up to $10,000.00. Closes April 30.
- July 2023 - Projects will be considered for up to $60,000.00. Closes July 31.
Fast Funds
Applications for up to $3,000 are always open. This funding is available to enable smaller scale projects to gain funding support with a streamlined application process.
Applications can be submitted at any time and there is no closing date. There is a minimum of two weeks notice for Fast Funds.
Main image: Sport Otago/Facebook.