A record month for Crux - and we launch Photo of the Day!
March will be a big month for Crux as we will unveil our new website (March 11) and launch one of our great new features – Photo of the Day. This follows a record February when the Crux website generated 112,000 page views with an average time on each page of two minutes and 39 seconds.
During February 94,878 people engaged with our Facebook page.
Reflecting this dramatic increase in audience size we are broadening the range of content with the Crux Community Bulletin (more details to follow) and our Photo of the Day competition.
Prior to the full site launch later this month we’d like to start receiving entries for the Crux Photo of the Day competition – from today.
The winners will be judged initially be you, our audience, but as the competition grows we’ll be bringing in expert judges and even mounting photo exhibitions in Queenstown, Wānaka and Cromwell.
The first competition round will run over four months – finishing at the end of June. The main prize is the latest Canon mirrorless camera, the M50 Mark II, along with a camera bag and extra zoom lens, together worth $1,500. The winner of the month will also receive a $100 Visa Prezzy card.
Each month there will be a theme – and the theme for March is: Community.
Here’s the competition guidelines and rules – make sure to read them carefully! Most importantly – you need to take the photo on a mobile phone. This is to make sure it’s a relatively level playing field and people who own an expensive camera don’t have an unfair advantage.
- Entrants must take the photos themselves, and make sure any people in the photo have agreed to the photo being published.
- To enter the competition, you should live in the Crux audience area – that’s Queenstown, Wānaka and Cromwell – along with the surrounding towns including Glenorchy, Kingston, Hawea and Bannockburn.
- The only people who can enter are those who don't take photos for a living – no professionals please!
- We are looking for images with a heart and soul – not technical perfection. Please avoid anything other than basic processing of images – images with no filters/processing and taken with natural light are preferred.
- Images should be between 1 Mb and 2Mb (no less) in file size, supplied as a JPEG file.
- Images should be landscape aspect ratio (not portrait) –– that’s a basic rectangle shape (wider at the lower edge - around 4:3) that is suitable for digital publishing. We reserve the right to crop the photo and reduce the file size/resolution if necessary for publishing.
- The image must be taken within one month of each competition date - so March 2022 images should be no older than February 2022.
- Supply a basic caption (location of image and who/what is in the image) with your full name and where you live. Also tell us the type of phone you used to take the photo.
- Crux reserves the right to re-publish the images – but we won’t give access to any third parties without your permission.
Further details will be published closer to the launch of the new Crux website …. and all photo entries should be sent as an email attachment to [email protected]