Where to find mental health support this holiday season
The Christmas and New Year period can be hard for anyone, and especially for people experiencing loneliness, stress, pressure or conflict - plus, this year has been particularly tough.
The Te Hau Toka Southern Lakes Wellbeing Group has put together some guides to help people look after their wellbeing over the holidays.
The organisation says it's important for people to know that help is still available if they need it because some services do temporarily close over Christmas or have an on-call roster.
Spending time with other people gives us a chance to come together, check in and offer support, it says. It’s also an opportunity to share your own feelings or concerns with whānau, friends, colleagues, neighbours – anyone you trust – and have a good support system in place with people who can assist you to seek help if needed.
Here are some key numbers and helpful resources to use if you, or someone you know, needs support over the next few weeks until everyone is back at work.
Queenstown Lakes
Medical support
- Lakes District Hospital open 24/7: Because of Covid restrictions and increased numbers of visitors over the holiday period, local residents are encouraged to use their GPs wherever possible. Please note access restrictions to the hospital are already in place to ensure patient, visitor and staff safety and these could quickly tighten if we get cases in the community.
- Medical centres: Refer to Te Hau Toka’s Traffic Light Guide for a list of GP clinics across the region. GPs can provide referrals for different mental health support services.
- Healthline - call 0800 611 116: Staffed by an experienced team that includes registered nurses, paramedics and health advisors who can provide you with health information and advice on care.
Key community services - support if urgent but not an emergency
- Upper Clutha services: Refer to the Community Networks/Link Upper Clutha
- Central Lakes Family Services: Sexual and family violence services operate 24/7 throughout and can be accessed via Police in high-risk situations or emergencies. The CLFS office will be closed 23 December, reopening 6 January.
- Salvation Army ph 03 442 5103: Welfare assistance and referrals. Closed 24-27 December, from 28 December to 16 January open Mon-Thurs, 9-5pm, closed stat days.
- Engage Safety: Social services, food parcels, Covid swabbing. Closed stat days only. Call 027 442 3682.
- Mana Tāhuna: Welfare and Covid support. Closed stat days only. Send referrals to: [email protected]
- Happiness House:Closed from 23 December, reopening 13 January 2022.
- Male Survivors Otago (MSO):Closed 22 December, reopening 4 January.
- Adventure Development Ltd THRIVE! for ages 12-24:Closed stat days. Clinical staff and admin contactable on 0800 292 988 until normal service resumes on 11 January.
- Uruuruwhenua Health:Closed 23 December, reopening 9 January.
- Enliven Supportlink Wakatipu:Closed 23 December, limited hours from 9-31 January.
- Alzheimers Society Otago Queenstown Office: Closed 23 December, reopening 17 January.
- Citizen Advice Bureau:Closed 22 December, reopening 4 January.
- MSD Work and Income:Open 28 December to 6 January, 10am - 2pm, closed on stat days.
Cromwell and Alexandra
Medical support
- Medical centres: Refer to Te Hau Toka’s Traffic Light Guide for a list of GP clinics across the region. GPs can provide referrals for different mental health support services.
- Healthline - call 0800 611 116: Staffed by an experienced team that includes registered nurses, paramedics and health advisors who can provide you with health information and advice on care.
Community Services - support if it’s urgent but not an emergency
- Salvation Army: closed Friday 22 December, reopening Wednesday 4 January. On call Diane ph 0212216271, Logan 0297712423
- Family Works: Immediate assistance/support ph 021 244 7756 from 23 December to 3 January. From 4 January to 8 January ph 021 564 994. Full services resume Monday 9 January.
- Alexandra Community House: Closed 22 December, reopening Wednesday 11 January.
- Cromwell Community Community House: Closed midday Thursday 22 December, reopening Monday 9 January. Emails and phones will be checked while closed for any emergency support. cromwellcommunityhouse.org
- Uruuruwhenua Hauora – Closed 22 December, reopening 9 January. Please call in and grab a supply of RATS to get you through. There’s also a supply of period products in the main bathroom, just help yourself.
National Mental health emergency pathways
- Ring 111 if it is an immediate emergency.
- Crisis Mental Health Emergency Services (Te Whatu Ora Southern) are available to call 24/7. Ring 0800 467 846 and press 1 for Southland or 2 for Otago.
National helplines
- 1737 nationwidetext or call to talk to a qualified counsellor.
- Lifeline 0800 543 354 or text “help” to 4357.24/7 helpline staffed by health professionals and highly trained volunteers. lifeline.org.nz
- Youthline 0800 376633, free txt234 or email [email protected].
- PlunketLine 0800 933 922.24/7 parent helpline and advice for families, whānau and caregivers. Calls are also free from mobile phones.
- What’sUp? 0800 942 8787. Free counselling for kids and teens with trained counsellors, Mon-Sun 11am - 10:30pm, 365 days a year. Calls are also free from mobile phones. whatsup.org.nz
- Family Drug Support Aotearoa NZ 0800 337 877.Phone support service 9am to 10pm, 7 days a week staffed by trained volunteers.
- For more 24/7 helplines visitmentalhealth.org.nz/helplines
Helpful online resources
- Search the Family Services Directory for family support organisations, services and programmes.
- Check out Te Hau Toka’s webpage or follow us on Facebook for Southern Lakes region wellbeing resources and updates.
- The Traffic Light Guide: Looking after your Mental Wellbeing has tips for what to do in an immediate mental health crisis (red), where to get extra support (orange), and how to keep yourself and others well (green).
The wellbeing guides are also available to download here: https://www.southernhealth.nz/living-well/tehautoka/need-help.