Wao: Purpose-driven business the new normal

by Kim Bowden - Sep 18, 2024

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, connecting to purpose is no longer just a trend—it's an imperative. The days when companies could prioritise profit at the expense of the planet and people are gone. Consumers, employees, and stakeholders alike are demanding more from the businesses they support, and those who fail to adapt risk being left behind. It’s not only the right thing to do, it makes good business sense.

Purpose-driven business is not merely about corporate social responsibility or ticking boxes to appease a concerned public. It's about fundamentally rethinking how businesses operate, creating value that extends beyond shareholders to encompass the wider community and environment. This shift isn't optional; it's essential for long-term success.

Business owners seeking to transform their approach to commerce and lead with purpose won’t want to miss the Better Business Day at the WAO Summit 2024. This full day programme is a day designed to equip forward-thinking leaders with the tools and insights needed to integrate sustainability and purpose into their business operations — while also driving profitability.

“Businesses that align their operations with a clear and authentic purpose not only enhance their brand reputation but also drive innovation, attract and retain top talent, and open up new avenues for growth,” Wao communication director Arna Craig says.

“Purpose provides a North Star, guiding decisions that resonate deeply with today’s conscious consumers, who are increasingly seeking out companies that stand for something meaningful.”

Participants will hear from industry leaders and B Corp consultants, including Tim Jones, who believe that business is the most powerful tool for creating lasting positive change. The day’s program will focus on actionable strategies for integrating sustainability into every aspect of business, from operations to customer engagement, ensuring that businesses are not only profitable but also responsible and resilient.

Moreover, the complex global challenges we face—climate change, social inequality, resource scarcity—are too significant to be ignored. Businesses have a critical role to play in addressing these issues, and those that take proactive steps now will be the ones to thrive in a future where sustainability and ethical practices are the baseline for success.

Connecting to purpose is not a one-time effort. It requires a commitment to continuous improvement and a willingness to innovate and adapt. Wao Summit, now in its seventh year, makes it easy to stay abreast of the changes and expectations in this space.

The key events this year to help propel businesses into operation for purpose:

Spaces for the Better Business Day at WAO Summit are limited, and tickets are expected to sell out quickly. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this transformative event.

The time for change is here. Organisations that embrace purpose will not only contribute to a better world but will also secure their place in the hearts and minds of their stakeholders. The future belongs to those who do business with integrity, compassion, and a vision for the greater good. It’s no longer just about doing business—it’s about doing business better.

Grab a multi pass or reserve your spot at one of the sessions and become a catalyst for positive transformation

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