Seminars assist incorporated societies navigate significant changes
If you are on the board or committee of an incorporated society, or work for one, this seminar is for you.
The new Incorporated Societies Act 2022 brings significant changes affecting all incorporated societies - including many clubs, residents' associations and community organisations.
Business South welcomes the community, including society members, officers and employees to the free seminar to understand what these changes mean for you.
Business South in association with the Otago Community Trust is proud to present the event series facilitated by Anderson Lloyd and Aspiring Law.
The seminars are designed to assist our local volunteer clubs and societies with the significant changes and to be prepared as the new requirements come into force. All incorporated societies must re-register under the 2022 Act between October 2023 and April 2026. Societies will need to make changes to their Consitutions before re-registering. The Act also modernises the way societies are registered and regulated; with the major changes relating to:
* Membership: A new minimum number of members and rules about how someone becomes a member;
* Governance: Committee member duties are clarified and codified;
* Constitution: New requirements for a society’s Constitution (previoulsy known as its rules)
* Dispute resolutions;
* Financial reports
* Managing conflicts of interest and member information; and
* A number of enforcement provisions and penalties provisions
Business South thank the Otago Community Trust for enabling the series and continuing to support the region’s community organisations.
Tue 14 February 10:45am - 12:00pm
The Gate, 6 Barry Street, Cromwell
Wed 15 February 10:00am - 11:30am
Community Hub, 34 McDougall Street, Wanaka
Main image (Facebook): Lake Hayes Show - run by the Lake County A&P Society