School Holidays - Snow approaching from the South
MetService and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency are warning people travelling around Te Waipounamu, particularly Southland and Otago but also places which catch snow like Banks Peninsula, to be ready for winter weather, at the start of the school holidays.
There are likely to be more overseas visitors on our roads, particularly given that the Australian school holidays coincide with New Zealand’s in July.
Over the next few days, snow is forecast to low levels in the far south, with heavy snow possible in mountain areas of Queenstown Lakes district and Queenstown itself.
Canterbury, Otago may catch snow
Snow could also fall to 200 metres around Dunedin, and in Canterbury to 300metres over Banks Peninsula from Saturday night, potentially down to road level, says MetService.
Alpine passes
Those travelling about the South Island, particularly people travelling through the alpine passes (Arthur’s and Porters SH73, Lewis SH7, Burkes and Lindis SH8, also the Crown Range Road between Wanaka and Queenstown and SH80 into Aoraki/Mt Cook) should check the MetService website for Road Snow Warnings and with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency for road closures and advice.

Source: MetService (10:55 am, Fri 30 Jun)