Red Bridge to close for maintenance
From Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency:
Plan ahead for daytime road closures at Red Bridge, 9am-5pm weekdays between Monday 15 May and Friday 2 June. This is to allow important bridge maintenance work to be undertaken.
Light vehicles can detour through Hāwea Flat via Kane Rd, Camp Hill Rd, and SH6, with this detour route adding up to 30 minutes to travel times. 50 max vehicles can detour via Kane Rd, Cemetery Rd, Domain Rd, Capell Ave and SH6.
Neither of these detour routes are suitable for Higher Mass HPMV’s, these vehicles are required to travel outside of these closure times.
These works are dependent on various factors and may be postponed at short notice.
Main image (NZTA / Google Maps): Luggate’s Red Bridge