One week left to nominate your community champions for $4,000
Here at Crux, we know community matters.
And that's why to help launch our new Community Bulletin Facebook page we're offering $4,000 worth of Crux marketing to a local community organisation.
There's one more week left to send through your nomination for a group you think could use some promotion.
Maybe the group has a message they want to spread to a wider audience, or they're trying to rev up membership, or they need support for a cause or event.
Until next Friday, November 18, you just need to follow the new Crux Community Bulletin Facebook page, then send us your nomination at [email protected] or by popping a comment in this post, briefly telling us about the group's work or what the advertising would be in aid of.
Then, we'll narrow down contenders for the $4,000 package, and you'll get the chance to vote for the recipient.
Thanks to everyone who's been in touch. Here's a list of the groups already nominated - add your favourite group today!
- Cromwell Community Playgroup
- Lake Hawea Community Centre
- Pivotal Point Charitable Trust
- Central Lakes Family Services
- Central Lakes Breastfeeding Charitable Trust
- Happiness House Queenstown
- Whakatipu Youth Trust
The Crux Community Bulletin section of our website, supported by the Facebook and Instagram pages is your go-to for local happenings, whether that be sports, charities, schools, community groups or events. It's a place to celebrate the feel-good things accomplished by our communities and to help us all feel connected to what's going on in our backyard.
Have some community news or event information to share? Get in touch with Crux Community Bulletin editor Nikki McKay at [email protected].