Police drills taking place on Ladies Mile

Feb 27, 2023

New Zealand Police is running a series of training drills at Council’s 516 Ladies Mile property through to April 2023, Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) announced.

QLDC Property Director, Quintin Howard said New Zealand Police approached Council about 516 Ladies Mile as it offered the perfect location for frontline responders to practice a range of scenarios.

“New Zealand Police is holding these training sessions every fortnight through to Wednesday 19 April 2023, with a maximum of 21 participants on site at any time,” said Mr Howard.

“We approved this use of 516 Ladies Mile as it’s short-term, and New Zealand Police has a detailed safety plan in place for any potential hazards on the site.”

New Zealand Police Lead Tactical Coach, Sergeant Ben West said the venue provided an opportunity to work with QLDC and make use of a location that supported their training purposes.

“We are always looking for appropriate venues that support our training. It’s important that our frontline responders are well equipped to take on the wide range of challenges they face while carrying out their duties. The scenario training at the Ladies Mile venue will enhance the tactical capability of the frontline ensuring they can continue to keep the public and themselves safe,” said Sergeant West.

As part of the training, some scenarios will involve the firing of blank rounds (i.e., no projectile).

“Blank rounds aren’t as loud as a live firearm, but properties surrounding 516 Ladies Mile have been informed as there may be some unexpected noise,” said Sergeant West.

QLDC and New Zealand Police have signed a Licence to Occupy for the use of 516 Ladies Mile.

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