New kerbside collection update - getting the show on the road
Central Otago District Council's new kerbside collection trucks have arrived in Central Otago.
The five Mercedes-Benz trucks, complete with signage of the Central Otago District Council’s (CODC) new four-bin configuration, are out on the road for test drives, so that they hit the ground running for when the new kerbside collection starts on 1 July.

Click on the link at the bottom of our story for more information about the new kerbside collection service
All the kerbside trucks will be able to collect organics (food scraps and greenwaste), mixed recycling, glass recycling and general household rubbish, collecting up to 8 tonnes of material at any time.
Four of the trucks will be out on the road during scheduled collection weeks, with the fifth on standby in case of breakdowns and for glass collection (which will be collected every four weeks). The trucks are left-hand drive to give drivers a better line of sight with the bins, and are equipped with onboard cameras to allow drivers to check for contamination and to ensure the correct bins are presented properly for collection and placed out on time.
Nearly a year ago, Council named Enviro NZ as the new contractor that would be delivering the new waste and recycling services. The company recently rebranded from Enviro Waste to Enviro NZ.
Seeing the trucks arrive after so much planning has been a great sight, CODC Solid Waste Team Leader Lauren Hunter said.
“They look sharp, and they are a key component to delivering our ratepayers an excellent kerbside collection service which aligns with the new New Zealand Waste Strategy, as well as facilitating the reduction in the amount of waste our district sends to landfill.”
The operation of transfer stations, kerbside collections, and the servicing of drop-off containers for rural recycling and waste will be contracted to Enviro NZ from 1 July 2023.
For more information about the new kerbside collection service or to find our education booklet go to our website.
Main image (Supplied/CODC): One of Central Otago District Council's five new Mercedes-Benz kerbside collection trucks.