Community pool may benefit from proposed funding reallocation
The Cromwell Pool may receive an unexpected funding boost with a last-minute inclusion in the Central Otago District Council’s Three Waters Better Off Funding projects.
At the meeting on Wednesday (31 May), Council considered the Three Waters Better Off Funding project update.
On 13 April 2023, the Minister of Local Government, the Hon Kieran McAnulty, announced changes to the water services reforms; that the Government had decided not to move ahead with the $1.5 billion Tranche 2 Better off Funding.
The Council had a number of projects that were earmarked through the Tranche 1 funding.
This included the $50,000 set aside for Iwi/Māori Engagement for Tranche 2 funding. However, as this was now no longer going ahead, Council approved a reallocation of the $50,000 to the Cromwell Sand Filter Project for the Cromwell Pool.
An application to reallocate the funding will be made to the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA).
Recommendations moved:
That the Council
A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.
B. Notes that Government have announced that Tranche 2 of the Better off Funding is no longer going ahead.
C. Notes that $50,000 was allocated by Council in Tranche 1 for Iwi/Māori Engagement for Tranche 2 projects.
D. Agrees to the reallocation of $50,000 to the Cromwell Sand Filter Project.
Main image (CODC): Cromwell Pool